Congratulations on completing your orthodontic treatment! Your new smile looks amazing on you. Now, let’s keep it that way. Let us take the worry out of all those retainer “what-ifs.”
- ETO’s retainer subscription program provides an initial set of 3M Clarity Vivera Retainers at the completion of treatment and a new set conveniently mailed to your residence every year.
- Exclusive Benefits:
- Guaranteed fit of future retainers
- Customary virtual checkups for retainer fit
- Discounted replacement of lost/damaged retainers: $50 per retainer or $100 per set
- Discounted replacement retainers after dental work with waived office visit and scan fee: $75 per retainer or $150 per set
- Waived Office visit fees while enrolled in program
- 50% off fixed retainer repairs/replacements while enrolled in program
- 25% discount on retreatment if shifting occurs.
- $300 yearly fee that can be split into $25 monthly payments or paid-in-full
- Terms and conditions: Straight teeth are a lifetime commitment that requires consistent retainer wear. When new retainers arrive, patients have 7 days to alert ETO of any fitment issues. Fitment issues after 7 days will be charged a fee for replacement retainers. The ETO retainer subscription program can be cancelled anytime. When cancelled the exclusive benefits are cancelled with them. There will be a $100 reenrollment fee to sign back up from the program.
Sign-up today to keep your amazing smile in its best shape!
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