Meet Dr.Tallman

Why Us?

Your Oak Ridge, Hardin Valley, Powell, Clinton, Knoxville, and East Tennessee Orthodontist…

After growing up in Cincinnati, OH, I ventured to central Virginia to attend Liberty University for my undergraduate education. Here, I met my sweet husband and fell in love with living near mountains. I received my Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry. I also attended UK for my orthodontics residency program and master's degree in oral biology. I am thankful for the wonderful education I have been blessed with, including an emphasis on thorough diagnosis and treatment planning. One of my favorite aspects of orthodontics is being able to see patients on a regular basis and developing relationships with them. I love hearing about how they made the school's soccer team or how their recent family vacation was! As an orthodontist, I desire to transform lives by creating beautiful smiles, but more importantly, to give God glory by serving others with the talents He has blessed me with.

Outside the office, I like to hike with my husband (David) and my dog (Raylan), explore new coffee shops, exercise, cook, and bake. Most recently, I have started making sourdough bread, and I will never look back!

Let Your Smile Shine

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